Dentists in Lugano - Compare 60 dental practices
Medico Dentista
Industry associationsLuganoVia San Gottardo 10, 6900 Lugano0 ReviewsValue Tariff Point CHF 1.15 / -Implants (ceramic, titanium)Ceramic crowns and bridgesWisdom teeth treatmentCaries treatmentCeramic fillingsAmalgam removalCeramic veneerGum treatmentTooth nerve treatmentHalitosis consultationBleachingPower-BleachingDental jewelryDental hygieneDentalclinic Lugano
Industry associationsLuganoVia Gemmo 3, 6900 Lugano0 ReviewsValue Tariff Point CHF 4.- / 1.-Implants (ceramic, titanium)Ceramic crowns and bridgesWisdom teeth treatmentCaries treatmentCeramic fillingsAmalgam removalCeramic veneerGum treatmentTooth nerve treatmentOralphobia treatmentHalitosis consultationBleachingDental hygieneFiorenzo Fraschina
LuganoVia San Gottardo 10, 6900 LuganoFiorenzo Fraschina has been rated 5 out of 5 stars51 ReviewsGiorgio Bächtold
LuganoVia Canova 18, 6900 LuganoGiorgio Bächtold has been rated 5 out of 5 stars51 ReviewsStudio Medico Dentistico mb
LuganoVia Trevano 38, 6900 Lugano0 ReviewsStudio Dentistico Santé
LuganoContrada di Sassello 1, 6900 Lugano0 ReviewsValue Tariff Point CHF 3.50 / -Implants (ceramic, titanium)Ceramic crowns and bridgesWisdom teeth treatmentCaries treatmentCeramic fillingsAmalgam removalCeramic veneerGum treatmentTooth nerve treatmentHalitosis consultationBleachingPower-BleachingDental jewelryDental hygienestudio medico dentista
LuganoRiva Antonio Caccia 13, 6900 Lugano0 ReviewsOreste Balmelli
LuganoVia Maggio 13, 6900 Lugano0 ReviewsPetar Antonovic
LuganoVia Nassa 62, 6900 Lugano0 ReviewsMarco Santini
LuganoVia Carlo Maderno 6, 6900 Lugano0 Reviews
* This company does not want promotional calls.
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Dentists near Lugano listed by filters
- Implants (ceramic, titanium) in Lugano
- Ceramic crowns and bridges in Lugano
- Wisdom teeth treatment in Lugano
- Caries treatment in Lugano
- Ceramic fillings in Lugano
- Amalgam removal in Lugano
- Ceramic veneer in Lugano
- Gum treatment in Lugano
- Tooth nerve treatment in Lugano
- Halitosis consultation in Lugano
- Bleaching in Lugano
- Power-Bleaching in Lugano
- Dental jewelry in Lugano
- Dental hygiene in Lugano
- Pediatric Dentistry in Lugano