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Zahnmedizin Stoop & Städler (Waldstatt)

Zahnmedizin Stoop & Städler has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
4 Reviews

About Us

Competence and quality at Appenzell prices: Your modern country practice at Waldstatt railway station. Parking and public transport at the railway station.


Implants (ceramic, titanium)
Ceramic crowns and bridges
Wisdom teeth treatment
Caries treatment
Ceramic fillings
Amalgam removal
Ceramic veneer
Gum treatment
Tooth nerve treatment
Oralphobia treatment
Halitosis consultation
Dental jewelry
Dental hygiene

Emergency Service

Emergency services provided

Montag bis Freitag, sowie Samstagmorgen.

Area of ex­per­tise

Oral sur­gery
Pe­di­atric Den­tistry


VTP Dentist CHF 3.50
VPT Dental hygiene CHF 3.50

Industry associations

Swiss dental association SSO


Inlays/Onlays 8 year/-s
Implant 8 year/-s
Crowns, bridges 8 year/-s

Location and contact

Show directions

Zahnmedizin Stoop & Städler

  • office address office address

    Gleisweg 9 9104 Waldstatt


Do you wish to rate "Zahnmedizin Stoop & Städler"?

Zahnmedizin Stoop & Städler has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
4 Reviews

Review from Andre G.


For me by far the very best dentist, very sensitive and competent and with excellent quality. *

Review from c.pr@


During the last two years I have been treated several times by Dr. Städler. He's very sensitive and careful. All treatments were pre-arranged, as explained. With his sympathetic nature, he takes away any worries before the treatment, gives competent advice and is also open to improvements. I can only recommend him. *

Review from simo@


Dr. Städler \"took away\" my dental anxiety. I only \"felt\" a little during the respective treatments. I'm very happy with him. I will gladly go back to him - especially as it is always an excursion into the countryside for me! *

Review from jann@


I was treated by Dr. Städler for a filling and am very satisfied. He always inquired about my condition. The treatment wasn't painful at all. I can only recommend Dr. Städler. *

* These texts have been automatically translated.

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Zahnmedizin Stoop & Städler